Electronic – Verilog Code: When should I bother making a detailed code if I can make it shorter


I made 2 verilog codes for a BCD adder. On the first code:

  • I made a carry look ahead adder module
  • That adder module is then instantiated inside the BCD_Adder module to add two 4 bits
  • Then I use my own function(use of truth table and K-map) to know if the sum from the adder module is >9, if yes add 6 but if not then add 0.
module carrylookahead(input[3:0]a,b,input c0, output[3:0]s,output c4);
  wire[3:0] P,G;
  wire[4:0] c;
  assign c[0]=c0;
  assign P=(a^b),G=(a&b); //Propagate and Generate
  assign c[1]=G[0]||(P[0]&&c[0]),
  assign s=(P^c[3:0]);
  assign c4=c[4];

module BCD_Adder(input[3:0]a,b,input c0,output[3:0]s,output c4);
  wire[3:0] fx,s_t;
  wire c0_t,c4_t;
  assign c0_t=1'b0;
  carrylookahead m1(a,b,c0,s_t,c4_t);
  assign c4=(c4_t)||(s_t[3]&&s_t[2])||(s_t[3]&&s_t[1]); //func to know if BCD sum needs plus 6 or not
  assign fx={1'b0,c4,c4,1'b0};
  carrylookahead m2(s_t,fx,c0_t,s,c4_t);

On my second code:

  • I use the plus operator so that I won't need to make my own carrylookahead module
  • I use magnitude comparator operator (>) so that I won't need to make my own mathematical function to know if the sum is greater or less than 9.
module BCD_Adder_v2(input[3:0]a,b,input c0,output[3:0]s,output c4);
  wire[3:0] s_t,fx;
  wire c4_t;
  assign {c4_t,s_t}=a+b,
         fx={1'b0,c4,c4,1'b0};//if s_t>9 THEN fx=6 but if not then fx=0
  assign s=s_t+fx;

Both works the same way in my test bench, my question is when should I bother to make a detailed module like what I have done on my first code? I thought that my first code will have fewer gates needed since compared to the second gate I did not use a plus operator and a magnitude comparator operator.

Best Answer

In general, you should not be focusing on optimizing the implementation via the source code — the toolchain is much better at that than you are anyway. And specifying individual gates in the source code is pointless on an FPGA anyway — A function like (s_t > 9) becomes a single 4-input LUT in either case.

Instead, focus on clarity and readability for other programmers, even if that other programmer is you — weeks, months or years in the future. You'll thank yourself later!

When building larger systems, it is the module interfaces that are much more important than their internal implementations. To that end, here are a few rules that I follow, relative to your code:

  • Don't declare more than one thing per line (module ports, internal signals).
  • Don't use binary constants if it's the decimal value that is really relevant.
  • Don't create signals that are never used.
  • Don't create signals that are only used once unless they improve readability.
  • You can merge a wire declaration with its assignment in many cases.

With that in mind, I would use your second version, and I would write it like this:

module BCD_Adder_v2 (
  input   [3:0] a,
  input   [3:0] b,
  input         c0,
  output  [3:0] s,
  output        c4
  wire    [3:0] s_t = a + b + c0;

  assign c4 = (s_t > (4'd9));
  assign s = s_t + {1'b0, c4, c4, 1'b0};    // Adjust sum by adding 0 or 6

Note that I not only declare one thing per line, but I also line up the names vertically. This makes it easy to glance up to remind yourself what the declaration of any given item actually is.