Electronic – Vestigial Side Band Demodulation: Which components are to be retained and which are to be filtered out


This article shows the analysis of Vestigial Side Band Suppressed Carrier demodulation.

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I have understood the mathematical derivation up to eq (1). However, I am unable to understand which components in eq (1) are to be retained and which are to be filtered out and the reasoning behind it. I understand that in VSBSC modulation, along with one sideband, some portions of the other sideband (vestige) are also included while transmitting.

Please help me understand, which terms are to be retained and which
terms are to be filtered out in case of Vestigial Side Band

Best Answer

It is passed through a low-pass filter (LPF), which means only low frequencies will pass through and higher frequencies will be filtered out. In this case, "2fc" terms are higher frequencies, so they will be filtered out.

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