Electronic – VHDL – Cheapest-Fastest unsigned to signed binary number converter


We know that to convert unsigned to signed (precisely, I want to convert a pure binary into CA2 number) we must negate the unsigned number adding, then, + 1. In VHDL I can implement an inverter and an adder that manages the carry in. I have two numbers of 32 bits. Is there another way to implement the sum + 1 using anything cheaper? Is there a solution to manage the carry in using only logic gates?

Best Answer

It really isn't worth worrying too much about this detail. Adding 1 to a number is such a common idiom in HDL that synthesis tools have highly-evolved methods for dealing wtih it. Also, most modern FPGAs have dedicated, hard-wired fast carry logic that does not consume logic cells, and that synthesis tools know how to take advantage of.