Electronic – VHDL Error: Coudl not Implement register on this clock edge


I want to reset the variable v_count to 0 at the rising-edge of input
port i_pulse_run. But I get the following errors:

Error: Could not Implement register on this clock edge.
Error (10821): HDL error at PWM_Gen.vhd(85): can't infer register for
"CTRL:v_count[15]" because its behavior does not match any supported
register model.

How else can I reset the variable to 0. I want to reset it only at the
rising edge of signal i_pulse_run.

Any suggestions are welcomed.

USE IEEE.numeric_std.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
CTRL : PROCESS(i_Reset, i_Clock,i_pwm_pulse_run)

variable v_PWMout        : std_logic;          
variable v_intPWMvalue    : integer range 0 to 8192;  
variable  v_updatePWMvalue  : std_logic;          
variable v_count : integer range 0 to 65535;

if i_Reset = '0' then
  -- Asynchronous reset
  o_PWM        <= '0';
  s_PWMCounter     <= 0;
  v_updatePWMvalue  := '0';
elsif rising_edge(i_Clock) then
-- Increment the PWM counter

   if s_PWMCounter < i_PWM_Freq_Div - 1 then
      s_PWMCounter   <= s_PWMCounter + 1;
      s_PWMCounter   <= 0;
      if rising_edge(i_pulse_run) then
          v_count := 0; -- Error 
      end if;
      if i_pwm_pulse_en = '1' AND  v_count < i_pulse_count +1 then
         v_count := v_count + 1;
      end if;
end if;

end if;
end process CTRL;

Best Answer

D-Flops are only sensitive to the rising edge of one clock. In your case, you don't actually want it to change on the rising edge of i_pulse_run because the rest of your circuit is clocked off i_clock; what you should do is have another register saving the value of i_pulse_run on each clock cycle, and then when the input value of i_pulse_run != saved i_pulse_run, you are on the rising edge.