Electronic – Visual example of NPN transistor

circuit analysiscircuit-designnpntransistors

Is the following a correct understanding of an NPN transistor?

enter image description here
Basically, a positive voltage source needs to flow through the Base of an NPN transistor and out through the Emitter, so it needs to flow in (via the base) from a more positive source than it flows out (via the emitter).

Is this a correct understanding of what makes a transistor turns on? Is there anything else that might be added to it, such as how much current/voltage is required to turn the transistor 'on' or if there's a minimum voltage/transistor that needs to flow from the through the Base to the Collector for it to 'continue' to flow through.

Best Answer

The image of Figure 1 may help a little.

enter image description here

Figure 1. Horowitz and Hill, The Art of Electronics. "Transistor Man" looks at the current at the base, and adjust the current at the collector so as to be a multiple of the base current.