Voltage Reference – Using Zener Diode and Transistor for Voltage Reference

circuit analysisdiodesoperational-amplifier

Below is a circuit presented in a book as a stable voltage reference circuit. enter image description here

The other says that "Vref=Vz+0.6". I am not convainced about this equation, and I think that Vref is just VZ because of the virtual ground of the OPAMP. If I am not right, that means there is a trick in that circuit.

Please can anyone confirme to me the formula given by the other and how he did that ??

Best Answer

I think the designer (grad student) was having a bad day....

MC3401 has NPN inputs unlike the quad LM324 with PNP inputs that operate to Vee =0V.

The 3401 must have Vin+>Vin- by having a slight +ve input offset current.

Otherwise if Vin->Vin+ the output goes low and stays there no matter how much negative feedback.

When this condition occurs. the Zener current, Iz causes Iz*R1 = __ mV for the stable low Zener current then near null offset and Vout=Vz @ Iz

Since Vin+ has lower input bias current than the collector Vin- then Vin+ will have a lower input voltage than Vin- which forces the output at 0V.

So Vin+ must never be 0V=Gnd. It must be slightly > Vin- otherwise the Norton or any Op Amp will not work. This takes 3 R's/ Pull up/down and series R.