Electronic – Watts in Solar Panels

amperagebattery-chargingsolar cellvoltagewatts

How does the amount of watts affect a solar array?

The solar array I found is 14 W, so what would I encounter if I purchased an lower/higher wattage? I'm going to purchase an array to charge my electronics on a trip I will be taking soon and I think I understand how volts/amps affects charging, but watts are still a bit hazy. If a device needs x amps and y volts, it uses xy watts, correct? Does this mean that a 14 W solar array could charge a device using xy watts and another one that uses 14-xy watts?

Best Answer

Your understanding of Watts is correct. Power = Voltage * Current. Power is measured in watts, so your "xy" analogy is accurate.

One thing that you should keep in mind is losses that occur between energy conversions. Even if a device is rated at Z watts, it may sometimes draw more than Z (or sometimes less than Z). Try to have a little extra margin on your solar array output wattage and you will be fine. Happy Travels!