Electronic – Ways to isolate DC power source

dc/dc converterisolation

I need to isolate my circuit from the power source of 5V dc. Since this is for medical use, and the device is powered by USB, the isolation needs to be at least 4kVrms, 5mm clearance, 8mm creapage distance. I searched for isolated DC-DC converters couldn't find any with those ratings and in small size. The remaining option I have, seems to be using 2 dc-dc converters in series. But that will be very inefficient and large in size. What could be the other ways to achieve this isolation?

Best Answer

I don't agree that you need to be an expert in medical device design to accomplish this task, but you do need to do some research.

  1. Get a copy of IEC60601 and study it. There is a lot more to this type of project than just isolating the patient from the computer.
  2. You're going to need to treat your USB connection as if it were mains. Find a transformer that was designed to IEC60601, and matching driver. Design from there.
  3. Find a testing house that does IEC60601 compliance testing. They will test your device to the standards, and give you a 180+ page report.
  4. Go through the report, fix the problems, and test again.

Do not skimp on compliance testing. It will save your bacon.