Electronic – What actually is the output current of a boost conveter

boostdc/dc converterinductorpower supply

What I understood at least at a basic level the operation boost converter, the inductor supplies output current when the switch is OFF.
enter image description here
Switch is OFF
When the switch is ON the the load current is taken current by the output capacitor.
Switch is ON


Is the classification of DCM and CCM is based on the nature output current or nature of inductor current ?
enter image description here

But during switch ON state, the inductor current has nothing to do on the output current ? or what I understood is wrong? Can anybody please explain this ?

Best Answer

What actually is the output current of a boost converter?

Hopefully the diagrams below will explain the output current and the difference between continuous and discontinuous operation.

enter image description here

Look at the blue traces in both continuous and discontinuous modes - this is the rectifier or diode current (what you refer to as CR1). The diode current is the current into both capacitor and load resistor.

When the average current is not constant the output voltage would either collapse to zero or rise until something went "bang". In reality, it is the average current that flows into the load because without a load, a non-zero average current would continue to push the output voltage up and up.

Output load resistor current is therefore average diode current

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