Electronic – What are SMA connectors and what are they used for


I have come across these rather big connectors on Altera trasciever boards in particular. I was wondering what is special about them.

Best Answer

This is an example of SMA plug and jack connectors:

enter image description here

Most often, the plug type (left) is used on cables and the jack type (right) is used on instrument panels or pcbs.

SMA connectors are:

  • Small relative to connectors that preceded them, like BNC and N types.
  • Suitable for use at frequencies up to 18 GHz.
  • Widely used in industry for those frequencies.
  • Quite robust against vibration, repeated insertions, and other abuse (when a proper torque wrenche is used)
  • Available at reasonable prices (e.g. on the order of $5 per connector)
  • Available on a wide range of coaxial cable types.