Electronic – What are the differences between \$I_B\$, \$I_b\$, \$i_B\$ and \$i_b\$ in a transistor

symbol [~]transistors

It is quite confusing when I do some calculation with \$I_B\$, \$I_b\$, \$i_B\$ and \$i_b\$. Are they the same? This problem also appears in the current of emitter and the current of collector.

Best Answer

\$I_B\$ means the DC current quantities \$i_b\$ means the incremental current quantities such as AC signals \$I_b\$ is used to denote the amplitude of a sinewave \$i_B\$ is used to represent total instantaneous quantities, for example \$i_B = I_B + i_b\$

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Reference: Microelectronic Circuits ~ Sedra/Smith