Power Supply – Reasons for Marking Neutral and Line Terminals on AC Input

aclineneutralpower supply

Even though AC has no polarity, almost all the power supply AC inputs or most AC powered device input terminals indicate line and neutral terminals as L and N just like in the following example:

enter image description here

Is there a fundamental reason to wire line to L and neutral to N but not the other way around? Could you give an example what might go wrong if one connects neural to L terminal and line to N terminal?

Best Answer

One reason is that typically the internal fuse is on the live wire. In the event of a catastrophic internal failure causing a short to the PSU output the circuit will be dead when the fuse blows. With reverse connection the fuse might not blow and even if it did the internal circuit would be live.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 1. Left: correct. Right: incorrect.