Electronic – What components do I need to build a motor controller from the L298

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I'm thinking of buying a pair of L298Ns, to control a pair of 1.6A motors. I'd like to control each motor with a signal PWM wire and a direction wire. However, I've hit a couple of problems.

  1. It is unclear whether the chip includes internal diodes or not. Some sources say yes, some say no. There also seems to be general confusion between the 298 and the 293.
  2. Looks like I need to invert the direction line so that the two inputs are opposite. However, if that messed up, current could flow through the chip.
    • Would pulling the PWM "enable" line low while switching the direction signal solve this?
    • Would a MOSFET be suitable to negate the signal?

Or would I do better just to buy this complete motor driver?

Best Answer

As far as a reference design, Solarbotics has a pretty solid little breakout board for the L298N. If you don't already have the chips, I would consider purchasing one: Solarbotics L298N.

If you already have the parts, then you could probably follow their design, L298N Schematic