Electronic – What do I need to look out for when selecting a relay for switching audio channels


So I heard that when using DPDT relays for something related to audio I would need to look out for what exactly to get so I don't have humming or other electrical noise while the device is in use.

The relay would be used to switch an analog signal coming from a PC between two analog audio outputs

What is it I need to look out for so I don't get electrical noise or humming?

Best Answer

The relay should actually be one of the most robust things in the circuit.

  1. Make sure the coil is DC and not AC which could inject 60Hz noise.

  2. The only real issue you might have to worry about would be one signal bleeding into the other--I'm pretty sure there is no spec on relays for this. However, most relay contacts have pretty sizable air gaps (lots of isolation), and the bigger the relay, the bigger the gap.

Good luck.