Electronic – What do these two PNP transistors do in this power circuit


I am a beginner in circuit design and I have been trying to understand the purpose of the Q2A and Q2B transistors in the above power circuit.

Here is what I am able to understand so far.

  1. There are two power sources, +5V and +5V_USB.
  2. When +5V is present, the Q2B turns on which turns of the P-Channel Q1 and vice versa
  3. This makes sure that only one source is available at the same time?

enter image description here

Best Answer

It's a 1-way low impedance current switch implementation.

The circuit basically behaves like a diode, without the downside of having a voltage drop. (It still has but much lower).

It's to avoid power going back to the USB port when powered from an external source.

When powered from the USB, current flow through Q2A and will block Q2B, the Q1 gate will then be at 0V letting current flow.

When powered from an external 5V source, Q2B will conduct, R34 will bring the gate of Q1 to 5V (more precisely 5V minus the saturation collector-emitter voltage of Q2B) thus blocking Q1.

Overall it's a neat design.