Electronic – What does “max” really mean in gate trigger threshold of a triac


I am trying to understand the parameter Vgt (max) for a triac (or any semiconductor with a gate threshold parameter), mainly the max. part of it. For example, on page 2 of the following datasheet:


VGT (VD = 12V RL = 60 Ω) MAX. 1.3 V

Could anyone please help me understand how to interpret max. here? Does it mean gate threshold can be 1.3V at max. and that we need at least 1.3V to trigger it and allow the current flow?

Best Answer

It's not an absolute max rating so, it can be assumed the supplier is saying that to guarantee switching you must exceed 1.3 volts. However, you must protect this part by limiting current to no more than 1.2 amps (see AMR table for \$I_{GTM}\$).