Electronic – What does S stand for in 75 S ohms


From the manual for a Repeater unit (page 10 in pdf document).

Transmit LIU Waveshape (Build-out)     
S2-4: ON          S2-5: ON        S2-6: OFF      75 S ohms w/ High Return Loss     
S2-4: OFF         S2-5: ON        S2-6: OFF      125 S ohms w/ High Return Loss

enter image description here

Here is the link to the manual in PDF format

Best Answer

I vote for "typo". I also have designed E1 and T1 products, and have never seen an "S" suffix in this context. We do talk about 70 Ohm and 125 Ohm T1/E1 circuits, but there's no reason for the "S" other than someone making a mistake.