Electronic – What electrical symbol where it looks like two resistors in parallel and connected on one end

symbol [~]

I am trying to copy a circuit from a schematic but i stumbled upon a symbol that im not familiar of and the part label does not yield any relevant result from google

enter image description here

What is it and what does it do in the circuit?

Best Answer

Schematic symbols in production schematics more often represent the specific component used and not necessarily the most elegant logical schematic symbols.

This component is a 2 resistor array, specifically the type where one side of the array is connected together (shorted) This component can be replaced by two resistors. Most major MFG of resistors offer arrayed parts, with same value (e..g 4x 10k ) and with other patterns (2:1 or a resistor tree 8:4:2:1), independent terminals and with internal short like your example

This is done for a few reasons.

  1. Manufacturers may offer parts that have better mutual tollerance than absolute tollerance, , e.g. a 10k/10k part to form a 2:1 divider , while the total resistance tolerance is say 1% the difference between the two halves may be guaranteed less than 0.1%

  2. When you need lots of identical resistors, especially pull-up arrays, a quad resistor with 0805 shape (4x0805) takes up less space than 4x 0805 resistors, since they are all tied to Vdd or Vss anyway, the common connection is useful.