Electronic – What ESP8266 module is this


I found an old box with 4 ESP8266 module. I initially thought they were ESP8266 -05, but this chip only has 4 pins (with a separate ground) instead of 5 pins (with a separate ground). This is pretty old, so I'm wondering if it was a difference chipset before they upgraded it?

enter image description here

If anyone could give me any information (specifically schematics) for this thing, that'd be great.


Best Answer

I have several of these. They are an ESP-05 without the reset pin.

From the top the pins are Gnd, RXD, TXD, Vcc (3.3V).

Pinout graphic, from the [ESP8266 Wiki](http://www.esp8266.com/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?cache=&w=434&h=325&tok=c0ee97&media=05-4-04.jpg)