Electronic – What happens if you put two coils in parallel


I want to build an LC-Filter from a tutorial I found (German language, if anyone is interested, I'll add a link).

In that tutorial, a 330uH Coil with a max amp of 1A is used.
I have some 330uH coils lying around, but they've only 450mA.

The consumer device will draw up to 700mA.
Is it possible, to put the coils in parallel, like in that schematic?

For a better understanding, what exactly will happen if I do this?


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

To make 330 uH from several 330 uH inductors requires, as a minimum, four devices - two in series gives 660 uH and then two parallel branches of two in series gives a net inductance of 330 uH.

It's just like resistors in parallel and series.