Electronic – What kind of motor is this? Looks more like a solenoid than a motor


I was going through a large box of random motors I got at a yard sale. I was sorting them for use in later projects when I came across a motor I couldn't classify. Long story short, the magic smoke left so I figured I would open it up.

What I found didn't seem to make sense to me. There are two separate stator coils, which I had predicted from my multimeter. But they run around the rotor, not up and down it. The only thing I can liken it to is a solenoid, so I'm confused how this would work as a motor. Also I couldn't find anything with the motor's part number aside from some eBay listings which don't help.

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Best Answer

It is a motor

A shame it's toast. I found a couple of places selling them - over $80US in both places.

It's a stepper motor, but apparently no longer in production - the manufacturer doesn't list it anymore. Epoch homepage.

At a guess, I'd say yours is much like the others listed on the Epoch page: Two phase bipolar stepper.

As to how it can be a stepper motor, it would appear to be common to have the two winding coils of a bipolar stepper in a kind of "stacked pancake" setup.

This page shows the construction of a bipolar two phase stepper motor:

enter image description here

The windings clearly run around the motor like the ones in your motor.

The second photo you've added shows how it works.

The rotor will have "stripes" of north and south poles around it. Like you'd put a bunch of bar magnets in a cicle, north ends to south ends around the circle.

These "stripes" will be about as wide as the "teeth" around the inside of each coil.

You have just two coils, but many pole pieces against many magnets. Each pulse will only rotate the motor the width of one "tooth."