Electronic – What should the resistor wattage be to run a LED on 240VAC


I'm looking for a sanity check on my figures here because I'm concerned my resistor wattage is unrealistic.

I would like to run a red LED on a 240 VAC line. I have found that the forward voltage for a red LED is 2V and a max current of 20mA.

To calculate the resistance I used ohm's law and set a target of 18mA:

R = V / I

R = (240VAC – 2V) / 0.018A

R = 13222 ohms or about 13.2k ohms

What about the wattage? This is a high voltage after all…

W = V * V / R

W = (240VAC – 2V)^2 / 13222 ohms

W = 4.28

Does this seem right? Do I really need close to a 5W resistor to handle this?

Thanks everyone for the help. I think the big message here is that there is a much better way of doing this than dumping the extra power as heat from resistors and that the reverse voltage needs to be considered when dealing with the LED.

EM Fields thank you for posting such a detailed explanation of the options along with a diagram. Thanks to uint128_t who had a good comment about 240VAC being the RMS value and provided the equation to calculate the 340V peak.

Using a capacitive reactance method (shown in diagram c of EM Fields answer), which I had never heard of, is a better way to approach this type of circuit. I know that several of you have mentioned it which was very helpful. Thank you Dwayne Reid, Evan, and anyone else I missed.

For anyone else who is new to this like me then I found these additional resources to be helpful:

Best Answer

You'll need to keep the reverse voltage to the LED at less than about 5 volts, and an easy way to do that is to connect a diode in parallel opposition to the LED across the LED.

Using resistive dropping, there are a couple of ways to do that.

In (b), below, the flicker rate will be twice that of (a), which may be advantageous in some applications.

enter image description here

In (c), below, a full wave bridge is used instead of a parallel diode, the flicker rate will be twice the mains frequency, and (d) is an example of a reactive dropper where the capacitive reactance of C1 is used to drop the mains voltage more or less losslessly to a voltage which the LED can use.

V5 and S1 are used to generate a turn-on transient at the first peak of V4, for test purposes, and the LTspice circuit list is appended just in case you want to play with the circuit(s)

enter image description here

Version 4
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SYMBOL res -336 176 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 9100
SYMBOL res -336 448 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
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SYMATTR Value 9100
SYMBOL voltage -480 272 R0
WINDOW 3 24 96 Invisible 2
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WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
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SYMBOL LED -224 336 R270
WINDOW 0 24 66 VTop 2
WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 2
SYMBOL diode -256 224 M0
WINDOW 0 46 33 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 1N4148
SYMBOL diode -256 416 R180
WINDOW 0 48 31 Left 2
WINDOW 3 24 0 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 1N4148
SYMBOL diode -80 288 R180
WINDOW 0 43 31 Left 2
WINDOW 3 21 64 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 1N4148
SYMBOL diode -112 352 R0
WINDOW 0 -53 34 Left 2
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SYMATTR InstName D10
SYMATTR Value 1N4148
SYMBOL res 624 176 R90
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SYMATTR Value 100
SYMBOL voltage 32 272 R0
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SYMATTR Value SINE(0 340 50 0 0)
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WINDOW 0 72 32 VTop 2
WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 2
SYMBOL diode 688 224 M0
WINDOW 0 42 33 Left 2
SYMATTR InstName D11
SYMATTR Value 1N4148
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SYMATTR Value 1N4148
SYMBOL diode 864 288 R180
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SYMATTR InstName D13
SYMATTR Value 1N4148
SYMBOL diode 832 352 R0
WINDOW 0 39 33 Left 2
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WINDOW 0 -42 3 Left 2
WINDOW 3 24 96 Invisible 2
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WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 1 5m)
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WINDOW 3 -92 69 Left 2
SYMATTR InstName D16
SYMBOL zener 496 416 R180
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WINDOW 3 24 0 Left 2
SYMATTR InstName D15
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WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 510
TEXT 46 492 Left 2 !.tran 100m
TEXT -408 248 Left 2 ;5W
TEXT -416 520 Left 2 ;5W
TEXT 48 520 Left 2 !.model SW SW(Ron=.01 Roff=1G Vt=0.5Vh=0)
TEXT -280 568 Left 3 ;(c)
TEXT 488 576 Left 3 ;(d)
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