Electronic – What simple IC can I use to extract 500mA from a computer USB port


I have very small and simple electronic projects that I power up using the USB power connectors plus a resistor.
For one project I require to use more than 100mA, however the USB port requires an enumeration process to be done before giving more than that (up to 500mA).

I've browsed TI.com looking for some IC that can help me with this task, however I'm not sure I'm on the right track (I've pre-selected LM3526 and BQ2402x ICs, but I don't fully understand how to use them… I'm still learning….).

Is there any simple example circuit design that I can use to solve this? Ideally, it should be something that I can connect to an USB port and that will just give me an output of 500mA and more than 4.5V.

Thanks for the help,

Best Answer

Consider Atmel's ATtiny85 with V-USB. It's an 8 pin AVR chip that you would have to program with V-USB, which is a software-level USB implementation that would enable the Enumeration Phase, which would allow you to use the entire 500mA available.

It's about a $1.50 in SOIC packaging, pictured below, which saves both space and cost:

ATtiny85 in SOIC packaging

Easily programmable and inexpensive, whereas the FTDI chip above (FT232R) is about $6 for one.

If you want to communicate with the chip, using V-USB also gives you the ability to act as a CDC-class USB device, which is akin to a serial port (UART), just like the FTDI chip.