Electronic – What software use to hack wireless protocol ( logic analyze ) USBee


Q: What software do you use for logic analyze?

Why: I try to hack(reverse engineering) my home wireless heating system control to make my own central control unit.

Wireless: My heating system uses the CC1101 chip to communication between wireless thermostat and floor heating control unit.

Capture: I use Usbee and Sigrok Pulseview to capture logic communication between MCU and CC1101. But pulseview is really "stupid" it can't print captured data even or export it to excel or export is as image.

How I do it: Manual read data from pulseview -> write it to excel -> and manually analyze communication in excel.

What I need: For example put data horizontal side by side to compare the difference in communication on different commands?

Example analyze: link

Best Answer

I use Saleae's Logic tool which allows exporting data - it is compatible with certain logic analyzers but should only be used with their devices.

Realterm (https://sourceforge.net/projects/realterm/) can also help you peak in on communication using a FTDI like cable (or two cables FTDI cables to observe both the RX and TX signals at the same time using the RX inputs on the cables).

For your need, one of the things that you can do is use a software radio receiver (SDR) and softw,are to extract the data from it. There are some cheap RTL radios out there (you can get them for about $20).

Looking for "cc1101 gnuradio" in your favorite online search service will give some results, but the CC1101 is actually quite generic and will either emit FSK or OOK so anything that decodes that will do.

Despite its name, RTL-433 (https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433) decodes more than just 433MHz signals and you can add your own decoder.

Sigmira (http://www.saharlow.com/technology/sigmira/) also decodes various signals. While RTL-433 can identify signals more or less by itself, sigmira requires you to configure it with the right numbers, but you can get the data in real time.