How to Connect Multiple Pins Between Multiple Breakout Boards


I'm building a circuit by screwing multiple breakout boards into a wooden panel and using jumper wires to connect header pins between different boards. Most of the time this works fine, but sometimes I need to connect a pin to more than one other pin. This can easily happen with i2c, power, or ground.

On a breadboard this would be easy, but I don't have room for one, or at least not full-sized. I could also use solder to bridge some header pins together and make a sort of bus connector, but I don't see a nice way to mount it to keep it moving around. Or maybe I could solder multiple wires together, but that seems likely to result in a tangle.

It seems like this is something people would commonly want to do and there should be a more elegant way, but I don't know the search terms to look it up. What am I missing?

Best Answer

Add in even more breakout boards to serve as connective splitting junctions.

If you are using female crimp housings at the ends of your wire then solder rows of headers onto little protoboards with a strip pattern. The strip patterns are probably longer than you need so use a knife to cut them up into smaller segments.

enter image description here Busboard

If using male headers or solid-stranded hookup wire, then you can just buy small miniature solderless breadboards. enter image description here Solarbotics