Electronic – What’s the Laplace transfer function of a moving average

controltransfer function

What is the Laplace transfer function of a moving average?
I tried to get it from the z-domain transfer function using conversion tables:

But unless I've read them wrong they don't have the "bricks" I need to get me anywhere.

Best Answer


can be re-written as


That should be straightforward to model in the s-domain by replacing z by $$e^{sT}$$

i.e. $$H(s)=\frac{1}{N}\frac{1-e^{-sTN}}{1-e^{-sT}}$$ $$$$

This is a SINC function in the frequency domain whose magnitude versus frequency is of the form: $$\dfrac{sin(\pi fN)}{Nsin(\pi f)}$$

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