Electronic – What’s your approach when making footprints from a drawing with relative dimensions


I want to make a footprint for a mini USB connector. Here's the recommended layout from the datasheet:

enter image description here

I'm not very experienced with making footprints and find the dimensions inconvenient since they are all relative and not with respect to an origin.

My current plan is to choose the center of pin 1 as the origin and then work out the coordinates of the center of every pad using a pen and paper. This isn't going to be very efficient, though, and I'm wondering if there's a better way.

What would you use as your origin? What would your approach or process be when tackling a footprint like this?

Best Answer

In my PCB CAD package I am free to select the origin anyplace I want. When I am in the midst of creating a footprint I will place some pads and then move the origin around as suits the task at hand and according to the drawing. When the thing is completed I then place the final origin at a place that makes the most sense for the part centroid.