Electronic – Where should I put the fuse in this circuit ? Critic the design

fusespower supply

I've the following circuit , that used to measure the current through shunt resistance ,

The circuit have analog & digital ground ,
the terminals 1 ,2 ,3 are for AC source .

I need to protect this circuit from shorts .

So where's the right place to put the fuse ? & how to know that this is the right place ?

Will be a fuse on the digital side and the analog side ?

any other recommendation for this circuit ? I found out that 7805 voltage regulator is getting hot fast .

Edit #1 :-

R3 is shunt resistor with 200 u ohm resistance

enter image description here

Best Answer

I would put the fuse between pin 1 of the terminal block and R3. Directly after pin3 is probably just as good.

I hope R3 is not realy 10k?

And I hop you are aware that the circuit before the 7805 is tricky, and may cause 'interesting' side effects, like a shocking voltage on the terminal block pins after you disconnected the mains? I would expect at least a bleeder resistor over C3 (but maybe I am too pessimistic).