Electronic – Which family of ARM processors should I learn: ARM7TDMI or Cortex M3


I am looking forward to learn the ARM7 family of microcontrollers. When I searched on the internet, I found there are two versions: slightly older ARM7TDMI (LPC21xx etc) and newer Cortex M3 (LPC 17xx etc). I am a bit confused between these two. I want to choose one which can help me to get placed in a firm in future. Please help me to choose one and also please tell me the major difference between the both versions.

Best Answer

You partly answered the question yourself: Cortex is a newer, more advanced core. It's more powerful than the ARM7TDMI and at the same time uses less power: about double the DMIPS/mW.
The following table gives a nice overview of the differences (from this white paper):

enter image description here

(Apart from performance and power consumption) the up to 240(!) interrupts and the much improved interrupt latency make the Cortex a far better choice for real-time systems.

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