Electronic – Which particular transistor types represent triode and pentode vacuum tubes best


If you encounter an old text which uses tubes instead of transistors, and if you are not familiar with the tubes, which one of the transistor from the following transistor tree would you think of to understand the circuit?

enter image description here

I sometimes encounter an ancient text but when I see tubes in the diagram I used to skip reading. Should I instead think of it as an NPN transistor or a particular type of MOSFET? Which particular transistor in the above tree makes most sense for a tube circuit?

Best Answer

None of the above. They are voltage-controlled, like FETs, but their characteristics are not so similar. Perhaps JFETs are closest, since a more negative voltage on the grid turns them 'off'.

You should just look at the I-V curves of vacuum tubes for a basic understanding.

Consider that if the anode current is fixed at 1.5mA and the grid voltage goes from -1V to -2V, the anode voltage goes from 160V to 260V - a gain of -100!