Electronic – Why are most of the RESET signals in embedded systems active low


I am hardware design engineer. I had seen lot of board designs since 2015. In my career I have seen that most of the RESET signals are of active low signals. Is there any logical reason behind that?

Following are the major reset signals which will be present in the most of embedded systems

  1. Power on Reset
  2. Cold Reset
  3. Warm Reset
  4. PCIe Reset
  5. DDR Reset
  6. USB PHY reset
  7. SPI protocol Chip select

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

The /reset pin on most MCUs is an I/O pin, so it has two functions:

  • allowing an external reset command to the MCU, and
  • letting the outside know that the MCU is live and operational

Pulling the line low to indicate that the part is alive isn't a great idea, because then how would you distinguish that from loss of power?

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