MOSFETs vs Integrated Load Switches – Why Standalone MOSFETs and Transistors Are Preferred


As a novice to EE concepts who's trying to apply it to Arduino projects, I was doing hours of research on how to electronically switch another higher current (or voltage) device/component/subsystem on and off.

I've read many long questions on lots of forums trying to solve this same problem, but only see different configurations of MOSFETS or transistors or combinations with some resistors recommended as the solutions.

Only this tutorial mentioned another option which was load switches. I then found several articles (example, example, and example) extolling their virtues. They small, cheap, some are crazy efficient, and they seem way simpler (especially to someone learning the basics) with fewer (or no) extra resistor sizing and other ancilliary components needed. Appears to just be Vin, Vout, GND, Signal.

The very tricky knots people are trying to unravel with for example Arduino circuits with unexpected current flows down controls pins and being unable to saturate the transistors or wrong sizing the resistors seems way overcomplicated in many cases if these are as simple as advertised.

So what's the catch?

These articles read almost like marketing material.

  • Main Question: Why are standalone MOSFETS (and transistors) preferred over IC load switches?
  • What's the downside of load switches compared to transistors/MOSFETS?
  • Why aren't they as preferred or recommended?

I am surprised not to see them on the common maker movement beginner electronics stores.

Best Answer

Why are standalone MOSFETS (and transistors) preferred over IC load switches?

It depends on the application. If you have a "clean" environment without noise, conducted spikes/ESD, surges, potential short-circuits or polarity changes etc etc, then a pure MOSFET is simple and cheap.

If you have a tougher use-case scenario of the driver, then adding all the protection required will quickly get cumbersome and expensive. Plus you might need to adjust the gate voltage and polarity to suit whatever you are driving this from, like a 3V3 MCU, which often doesn't match the voltages of whatever you are driving.

One common scenario is when you use a high side driver with N-channel input. You'd then need a driver circuit as described here: Designing that whole driver circuitry manually is going to be delicate and expensive - these essentially come with a built-in voltage regulator.

What's the downside of load switches compared to transistors/MOSFETS?

You have to "marry" the silicon vendor. There are not much in the way of standards or second source for these kind of parts. Also, when it comes to certain kind of drivers, some manufacturers have almost monopoly over the market. Meaning they are free to give their customers the middle finger now and then since there's no competition.

Why aren't they as preferred or recommended?

You can't say that without a specific use-case in mind. If you look at cars for example, they almost exclusively use drivers over "raw" MOSFET. But if you have a use case where you just need to switch some internal load of your PCB, there's no reason to use a driver.