Electronic – Why do rubber duck antennas have this metal part, while other antennas do not


If you open up a rubber duck antenna, it usually has a wire inside, plus a crimped on piece of metal, like this:
enter image description here

Other antennas, like those on an RC receiver do not have this second metal part:

Both of these antennas are 2.4ghz, why does one require this metal part where the other does not?

Also, if the metal tube forms part of a dipole, then how is it electrically different than the shield it's covering? I think they're connected. Wouldn't it do nothing that the shield isn't already doing?

Best Answer

The cutaway picture looks like a coaxial sleeve antenna. Section 3 in the linked reference discusses this type of antenna.
edit: also see figure a on page 11 (assymetrically-fed sleeve dipole)