Electronic – Why does I2S have extra clock cycle in SCLK that is wasted i.e no data transferred


I am getting different waveforms for I2S in different places, in one I found that the LSb is transferred after LRCK has toggled. In this device that is not the case.

It seems that there is normal I2S, left justified I2S and right justified I2S. The left and right justified make sense. However, the normal I2S has something peculiar about it.

Q: Once the LRCK changes polarity, the value of SDATA on the first rising edge of SCLK seems to be ignored. Is this a mistake in the datasheet? Why is this done? The image is below with the questioned part circled red.

enter image description here

Is this a mistake in the datasheet of CS4334? I looked into the "TAS3004 Digital Audio Processor with Codec" data manual page 2-6 and it showed an X for the first bit.

Best Answer

Standard I2S does indeed have a one bit offset, I am guessing because in the early days it provided timing to latch the output of the shift register into some sort of parallel input converter (Or maybe the timing for a S/H to get stereo out of a single channel of expensive converter chip or something, yes that was actually done!)..

A lot of this stuff tends to be a case of formalising what is already being done, and 30 odd years later nobody remembers the original reasoning.

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