Electronic – Why Does the And Gate have Two Transistors on Top


Wouldn't the left-side part of the diagram function as a nand gate without the two transistors at the beginning? Why are they part of the diagram? Because in the following picture of a nand gate, it's not an issue.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

If the upper two FETs weren't there, then when either A or B was low there'd be no path from the output to any driving potential. The output would be in the high-Z state rather than driving a high output.

If the gate isn't meant to be an "open-drain" type, it needs to be able to have a low impedance output for either a low of a high output value.

On your edits

The BJT circuit will also work (this type is generally called resistor-transistor logic or RTL), however,

  • It will consume more power because the resistor will consume power whenever the output is low.

  • It will not be able to provide as much high output current before the output voltage sags below the minimum \$V_{OH}\$.

  • The low-to-high transition will be slower because any load capacitance will have to be charged through the resistor.

  • The low-to-high and high-to-low transitions will be asymmetric (not the same slopes), which can cause issues in some applications.

  • If implemented in an IC, it may be costlier because resistors generally require more die area than transistors.