Electronic – Why fuse blows in this circuit



simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

I am trying to build a 5VDC from my 220VAC (Switched-mode power supply). The first step is to convert AC-DC. Above is my schematic

  • V1 is 220VAC, the peak is about 300V.

  • C1 and C2 are the same, each has 200V voltage max rating.

  • Thermistor is MF72-5D9 Surge Current Limiting.

When I turn on the power, F1 blows immediately. I do not know why. I check them out, no shortcut. Can someone help and tell me why?
Thank you very much!

EDIT: I found the rating of F1, it's 5A 250V.

Best Answer

Use a different fuse, you most likely used a fast blowing fuse which trips as soon as an overcurrent occurs.

Instead use a slow blowing fuse which will trip slower and allows the inrush current that charges the capacitors to pass through without tripping.