Electronic – Why is the common emitter input insensitive to base width modulation


According to Robert F. Pierret (1996) in page 411 of the 2nd edition of the textbook Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, common emitter input of PNP BJTs is insensitive to base width modulation. Isn't the common emitter input simply the base current \$I_B = I_E – I_C\$ and assuming that the BJT is operating under active mode, should be sensitive to base width modulation since \$I_E\$ and \$I_C\$ depend on the quasineutral base width \$I_B\$? Moreover, \$I_B=\frac{I_C-I_{CE0}}{\beta_{dc}}\$ and \${\beta_{dc}}\$ is clearly dependent on the quasinuetral base width W which means \$I_B\$, the common emitter input, should be dependent on \${\beta_{dc}}\$ as well?

Best Answer

Base Width Modulation sets the limit for achieving lots of voltage gain, should you replace the usual resistive load in the collector with a constant current load crafted for Millions of Ohms. Or perhaps the Vearly param sets the limit for voltage gain. (You can stiffen the CE amplifier with resistors in the emitter, flattening that Vearly effect.)


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab