Electronic – Why kicad schematics pin electrical type is always power input


I was designing new schematics and decided to inspect another library downloaded from kicad official sources on Github. The one thing that cought my eye instantly was that Electrical type for both GND and VCC was POWER INPUT.

Is it meant to be that way or just a workaround for an existing problem, eg. failing DRC?

Best Answer

VCC and GND are meant to be power inputs. ERC on the schematic will check that all power inputs are driven i.e. have a power output somewhere on the net. It'll also make sure you don't connect two power outputs together. An example of a power output would be the output terminal of a regulator.

The idea starts to break down if you put passives (inductors, chokes, resistors) that break up the net, but it can be helpful when used properly.