Electronic – Why so much variance in the continuity beeper threshold? How do these beepers work anyway


In this answer it is mentioned that the EEVBlog-branded BM235 meter has a threshold of between 30 and 480 ohms for its continuity beeper (as seen on page 25 of the datasheet).

My first thought was "why isn't that an exact value?", but I realized soon afterward that of course it's not exact, as any meter with a good continuity beeper uses analog circuitry to get a fast beep response, and that analog circuitry inherently has tolerances. So I understand why they give a range.

What I don't understand is why the range is so large. I would understand something like 30~60 Ω, but this is more than an order of magnitude! What is it that causes this extreme variation in the beeper threshold?

Is this sort of variance normal? What sort of circuit is typically used for this, and what makes it so sensitive to component tolerances? Is it even that sensitive to component tolerances?

Best Answer

The reason the range is so large is that few people care what the range is.

The 'continuity beep' is a 'nice to have' feature, not an essential feature. It doesn't do anything that can't be done on the ohms range, albeit avoiding the need to read the display.

When a large enough segment of the market starts demanding continuity beep thresholds with a tolerance of x%, then the manufacturers will start specifying and providing them.

Test is a significant part of the cost of making equipment. If a feature doesn't need testing, because it's not accurately specified, then that feature can be added very cheaply.

The reason the ABC company might add a continuity beep function is that XYZ company have one on theirs, and we don't want to lose out on a sale when customers hold the data sheets up side by side and do a comparison. "1% on DC voltage, check, at least 1000v, check, continuity beep, check!" If there's no standard, it just doesn't get standardised.