Phone Chargers – Why 5V Chargers Are Needed for 3.7V Batteries


I've many mobile (smart phone) chargers. The output of them is 5 volts but the battery needs 3.7v only.

Why is it better to make a 5v charger then convert the 5v to 3.7v ?

Why don't we just make a 3.7v charger?

Best Answer

If you look at the charge profile of a lithium battery you'll see that at certain points it changes from constant current to constant voltage charging: -

enter image description here

This means that some form of "in series" charge control mechanism needs to be present to act initially as a constant current source then change to a constant voltage source. This charge control circuit comes with an overhead - it needs maybe 0.5 volts across it (minimum) to do its job.

Given that the final part of the charge regime is constant voltage at usually 4.2 volts, it makes sense to use a wall wart with 5 volts output. Even if the wall wart dropped to 4.7 volts the charge circuit would still have enough overhead to deliver 4.2 volts.