Electronic – Why would a wireless smart card antenna have one larger loop and three smaller loops instead of four similar size loops


This image is originally from here. I added some annotations. The picture shows an x-ray shot of a smart card with wireless capability (and also a contact pad for direct connection to a terminal).

enter image description here

The antenna is made of four loops of wire laid out in concentric pattern. It's a single piece of wire connected on ends only. One loop goes through the entire perimeter and three other loops only go through the top and the middle of the card.

Antenna totally avoiding the bottom of the card is not a rare thing. This is a popular design which purpose is to allow embossing the text near the card bottom. Antenna could be damaged by the emsossing process so cards where embossing is necessary often have the antenna going through the upper half of card only. Cards where embossing is not required don't need this so they may use antennas which are located along the whole perimeter.

So the two popular designs either have all loops avoiding the card bottom or all loops located along the whole perimeter.

In this card three loops avoid the card bottom but the fourth one does not.

What could be the purpose of such antenna design?

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