Electronic – Will an 0603 capacitor fit on an 0805 pad


I am in a pinch and just submit my final board design to a pcb house. Unfortunately, I messed up the design and had an 0805 pad in a spot where a an 0603 should have been. I will be getting the boards in this Friday with a 2-day turn.

Can I get an 0603 to fit on the 0805 pad in a pinch? I know it's not ideal, I just need to know if it will work so I don't have to pay 25$ to overnight 50 cents worth of capacitors from mouser or digi-key.

I did a mock up on a scale printout and it looks VERY close like it should be fine.

Best Answer

If you're using 'standard' footprints then yes, an 0603 will fit fine on an 0805 pad. The reverse works too, in a pinch.