Electronic – Will the circuit interfere with ATtiny25 in system programming


I've got a simple circuit with an ATtiny25 on which I indend to do in system programming. I'm wondering, will the rest of my circuit interfere with the SPI programming?


So the data sheet says:

  • PB0 = MOSI, this is used as an output so should be fine
  • PB1 = MISO, this is used as an output so should be fine
  • PB2 = SCK, this is used an input, connected to a voltage divider. So the 442 ohm resistor will cause a 7.4/11.3 mA current at 3.3/5 V, respectively.

Am I screwed here, is that too much?

Edit: I'm planning to use the Atmel-ICE programmer, but can't find any docs on how much current that can source.

Best Answer

is that too much?

no. i have done worse.