Electronic – Will this I2C isolation circuit work?


I am using an LTC2945IMS to monitor power in a design I am working on. It uses i2c to communicate with a MCU and must be isolated. The chip has two separate pins for the data line (SDAI and SDAO) for input and output data. This is to make isolation easier. Below are some isolation circuits from their app note.

enter image description here

I already had an optoisolator in my circuit so I wanted to re-use the part here to avoid adding a line item. However since it is not inverting like the one in the app note I had to wire it a bit different (in order to combine the two data lines into SDA). My implimentation is below.. But I'm not sure if it is equivalent to what they were doing. Do you think this will work or am I missing something? Thanks!

enter image description here

Best Answer

I was thinking about this same thing yesterday and came up with this thread when I searched. I know there isn't much need to re-invent wheels, but it is a fun design problem, and who knows, one day we might need something in a hurry and have to make something from the spare parts drawer. So - what about this? I think it does the job. Only one open-collector line show, the two are the same. One dual-opto per line.

homebrewed opto-isolated I2C