Electronic – Will you critique the schematic, please


In the process of a project I decided to try my hand and the skill of schematic design. I tried my best to follow the "make it clear and readable" advice from this link:

Rules and guidelines for drawing good schematics

I won't turn away advice on the circuit itself, but what I'm really looking for is constructive criticism on the layout/design aspects of the schematic itself. I was just hoping you all could help me to make it better. Here's the design, what would you change to improve it?


Here is an updated attempt, based on the advice here:


v3 with inputs to the left(mostly) and new component layouts:

enter image description here

Best Answer

what I'm really looking for is constructive criticism on the layout/design aspects of the schematic itself.

See how much room you save and how much de-cluttered it looks now: -

enter image description here

I've just basically cut and pasted in paint so there are a few bits left where they originally were.

As for the multiplexer this could look a lot clearer. I'd put all the pots vertical and to the right and rotate the chip so that its interface wires to the micro were not passing through 90 degrees i.e. make things simpler.