Electronic – XBee needs reset for every action I do in X-CTU


I am setting up my XBee radio using the official X-CTU tool. The XBee is connected to a USB XBee explorer. The first time I did it was a few weeks ago, and I kept getting errors (see below), but however not constantly. Today, I have not been able to make a single piece of communication with the modem without needing a reset.

I open X-CTU, pick the correct COM-port, and click "Test / Query". I get this error message:

Action required. Unable to communicate with modem.

I then reset the XBee by short-wiring pin 5 and 10 (my Arduino does not have a reset button). Instantly the error message disappears, and I get the expected result.

Communication with modem..Ok

If I click Retry, I get the first error message again. Every time, out of at least ten trials, the error message appeared after clicking Retry, and every time, the correct infobox appears after resetting by short-wiring.

Is my XBee simply broken, or what is going on here?

Best Answer

Have you checked if your Baud Rate in X-CTU match the Xbee module Baud Rate? This is probably the cause.

Also your Xbee module might not be making contact with the board.