Electronic – Xbee not responding timely. Large delay between each transmission


I have prepared a setup for 2 Xbees one connected to the PC via XCTU and the other interfaced with Atmega 168. The terminal software will send 1 and the xbee with Atmega 168 will return 1.

The code is as follows.


    unsigned char data; //to store received data from UDR1

//Function To Initialize UART0
// desired baud rate:9600
// char size: 8 bit
// parity: Disabled
void uart0_init(void)
 UCSR0B = 0x00; //disable while setting baud rate
 UCSR0A = 0x00;
 UCSR0C = 0x06;
 UBRR0L = 0x06; //set baud rate lo
 UBRR0H = 0x00; //set baud rate hi
 UCSR0B = 0x98;

ISR(USART_RX_vect)      // ISR for receive complete interrupt
    data = UDR0;  //making copy of data from UDR0 in 'data' variable 
    if(data == 0x31)
    UDR0 = data;                //echo data back to PC


//Function To Initialize all The Devices
void init_devices()
 cli(); //Clears the global interrupts
 uart0_init(); //Initailize UART0 for serial communiaction
 sei();   //Enables the global interrupts

//Main Function
int main(void)

This code works well and the following is the desired and the obtained output…

enter image description here

Now the problem is when I want to get reply 3 for a transmission of 3 from the PC. I am using avr studio 4 (yeah I know I am backdated) and Atmega 168PA-PU. The configuration for both cases is as shown in the image…

enter image description here

So I copied the previous program totally and just changed the line

ISR(USART_RX_vect)      // ISR for receive complete interrupt
    data = UDR0;  //making copy of data from UDR0 in 'data' variable 
    if(data == 0x31)
    UDR0 = data;                //echo data back to PC


to the following

ISR(USART_RX_vect)      // ISR for receive complete interrupt
    data = UDR0;  //making copy of data from UDR0 in 'data' variable 
    if(data == 0x33)
    UDR0 = data;                //echo data back to PC


But the obtained output is nowhere near what its supposed to be. The following image should clarify.

enter image description here

PS: We used separate (Atmega 168A-PU & Atmega 168PA-PU) for the two programs. It may so happen that there is some discrepancy in the internal oscillator. I have read somewhere that there can be a +/-10% inaccuracy.

Best Answer

This problem is not regarding your software, because you ran the same program in both cases right? So it must be hardware. The irregularity in the 2nd case suggests that there is some baudrate mismatch. So I conclude that the problem is definitely because of the internal RC oscillators which are not accurate as you mentioned yourself.

Try using external quartz oscillator. Connect it with XTAL1 & XTAL2 with suitable capacitors. I personally use 12MHz with 22pF caps. Change the fuse setting before burning the program. Try Googling avrdude fuse calculator.