Equality 4 bit with 4 bit by IC 74181 (ALU)


Pin 14 in IC 74181 when 2 numbers (4bit) equal this pin must be high.

This pin is open collector. I connect this pin to Vcc & Res but not high or red.

I've created this circuit in Protheus.

What should I do high on this pin?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I assume you want to know how to connect an LED to the A=B output so that it is ON when the output is high.

Actually, you've done it wrong for the other 5 outputs as well, since TTL (and LSTTL) does not source current very well, but needs to sink it. So try


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Since you have 6 outputs to monitor, and a 74LS04 has 6 inverters, it's a perfect fit.