Ethernet Multiplexing – Using HCF4066 for Ethernet Multiplexing


This is a simple test circuit as a hobby. I want to create a basic circuit to multiplex Ethernet traffic as shown below. In the actual circuit two ICs will be used for required pins.

enter image description here

The idea is to switch the Ethernet b/w two ports. Speed is not a concern at this point. My questions are:

  1. As Ethernet signals are differential, so if we apply +-5 V to the HCF4066's power pins, will it work?

  2. I tried to control a simple LED from an external power supply via a 4066 IC, but even the switch is disconnected, I see a dim light in the LED. The reason was that I forgot to have a common ground between the LED's power supply and the 4066's power supply. Since Ethernet has no ground pin, will it still work?

  3. Is it possible with tS3A27518EPWR, which doesn't support negative voltages as required by Ethernet pins?

Best Answer

HCF4066 doesn't have nearly enough common mode range or ESD immunity for switching media (cables). It may work, or it may not. It may end up damaged and non-working. It almost certainly won't enumerate gigabit speeds (but probably would work well enough for 10/100, at least for short cable lengths).

Better to use a relay.

Even better still, a managed switch to just disable a given port -- or black/white-list the device(s) by MAC or IP or, whatever is connected.