Finding Open/closed loop transfer function

controlcontrol system

I plan to determine the open/close loop transfer function of the attached motor. I have been able to combine K(s) to 1/s in series but am not too sure of how to add up 12/pi outside the summing junction and what to use as the gain(either tetha 0/teta 1 or teta 0/V1(s).

Also how to use this to determine the closed loop of the system
enter image description here

Best Answer

Start by putting some equations on it: -


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

The output of A is called Vout, but clearly ....

\$V_{out} = A(V_{in} - B\cdot V_{out})\$

This boils down to \$\dfrac{V_{out}}{V_{in}} = \dfrac{A}{1+AB} \$